Naming of Racehorses

Naming Procedures

The regulations regarding the naming of racehorses in Australia are as follows:

Australian Rule of Racing AR18 states:-

a. The Registrar may refuse to register any name which for any reason he / she may deem undesirable.
b. The Registrar may cancel any horse’s registered name for whatever reason he deem necessary.


1. The maximum length of a name is 18 characters, including spaces.
2. Except with the approval of the Registrar, a name cannot be repeated for 17 years after the birth of a horse with the same name or for 20 years after the birth of the youngest named produce of a horse with the same name.
3. Rude, offensive or racist words will not be allowed.
4. Names promoting a public company will not be allowed.


5. Numbers up to 25 are not allowed, due to potential confusion for race callers. Eg One, Two, Three or First, Second, Third are not allowed.
6. If the number is used in conjunction with another word/s, these names will be considered. Eg FIRST LOVE or THREE BELLS.


7. Letters must be spelt out. Eg Pea Kay. A & I are acceptable as a single letter as part of a horse’s full name.

Non-Pronouncable Names

8. Names will not be considered if single letters are expected to be pronounced. A name must be pronounceable as words & understandable to the general public. Eg RUFIRST will not be considered, however, AREYOUFIRST will be considered.


First Names & Surnames


9. Combinations of first name & surname (eg.,John Smith) will not be considered. Two first names will be considered (eg., John David)


Names that are submitted for our consideration will be granted at our discretion. Names are also verified against names registered in New Zealand. Plural names of a name already granted are only considered when there is sufficient time between horses, in case they race against each other. Conjoined names will also be considered.

The Registrar maintains a compilation of cleverly named horses.

Click here to search for a name for your horse.