Track Safety Decision Protocol

The following protocols are agreed upon between Racing NSW and the NSWJA to be followed at race meetings whereby jockeys have concerns regarding track safety:-
(1) At any race meeting whereby the riders have a genuine concern regarding the safety of the track surface or the prevailing riding conditions a representative will immediately notify the Chief Steward.
(2) An inspection party including three or four jockeys either selected by the Chief Steward or at the nomination of the riders at the meeting shall accompany Stewards on an inspection of the relevant areas of the course.
(3) At the completion of the inspection, the jockeys taking part in the inspection will give advice to the Chief Steward on their opinion as to the safety of conditions. (This opinion to be given privately in the absence of club officials).
(4) The Stewards under AR 8(q) will then make a determination as to whether the race meeting will proceed and will advise all jockeys accordingly.
(5) Except in the situation whereby the conduct of a race meeting is delayed by Stewards any jockey disagreeing with a Stewards decision on track safety will be granted permission to forgo further rides on that day and may leave the racecourse immediately without penalty.
(6) Replacement riders for such horses may then be engaged by connections without such replacement rider being fearful or in any way apprehensive that his/her actions in accepting such engagement will be the subject of any acts of recrimination or vilification by any other rider or riders.
(7) In the event of any rider or riders who have withdrawn their services from such meeting exerting any pressure upon another rider or riders concerning their decision to continue to ride at such meeting or concerning their decision to take replacement rides at such meeting then the Stewards may consider action under the Rules of Racing.

Ray P. Murrihy
Chairman of Stewards
Racing NSW