Risk Management & Assessment

Risk management involves the establishment and implementation of a systematic methodology to identify and treat risks associated with work practices. Effective policies endeavour to achieve an appropriate balance between both potential gains and potential losses.

The fundamental elements of the risk management process include:

  • Communication and consultation;
  • Establishing the context;
  • Identification of risks;
  • Analysis of risks;
  • Evaluation of risks;
  • Treatment of risks;
  • Monitor and review

Racing NSW has developed a policy statement which clarifies the specific roles associated with these elements:

Risk Assessment

Racing NSW has prepared five (5) Risk Assessment pro-forma documents for tasks relevant to trainers/stables:


Whilst endeavouring to incorporate the specific requirements of Australian Standard AS/NZS 4360: 2004 (Risk Management), the documents go a little further and attempt to assign a numerical score against each procedure such that users can objectively calculate a risk rating measured against pre-determined criteria.

The Risk Assessment pro-forma documents have also been designed for compatibility with pre-existing Safe Work Method Statements available on this website. Users are therefore encouraged to develop their own pro-formas for other activities using these pre-prepared documents as a guide.